Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The 2nd Association of Bridal Consultants Annual Regional Conference (China & Hong Kong)
Hosted by the Association of Bridal Consultants (China & Hong Kong) cooperated with the Open University of Hong Kong, The 2nd annual Conference “Get High: Get Hired” had taken place on 12 September 2010 at Serena Yang Lecture Theatre of the Open University of Hong Kong (Ho Man Tin campus). We shared a good time and had wonderful moment.
We honourably invited ABC Director of Asian Market, Mr. Kevin Kohara to be our Guest of Honour , Co-organiser LiPACE OUHK, Deputy Director, Dr. Benjamin Chan and Guest speakers included Hong Kong’s Ten Outstanding Young Persons Awardee 2006, Mr. Sean Lin, Founder of Wedding Theme Song Co., Mr. Clayton Cheung, CEO of Darizi Limited, Mr. Andy Ann and Master of Health Science Sexual Health, Ms. Vanessa Chow. There were more than 100 candidates attended the event.
While tying the knot with loved one is often considered as arriving at the summit of a relationship, wedding in itself is one of the most important sublimations of a couple’s affection to each other into a lasting relationship.
On top of this, the implementation of Civil Celebrants of Marriage Scheme in 2006 has helped to breed all kinds of wedding related product and services, leading to unlimited possibilities as to how a wedding can be planned and conducted. In recent years, modern couples have become increasingly demanding when it comes to organizing their wedding ceremonies. From wedding photography and videography, wedding favors and many more…… products and/ or services once regarded as luxurious arrangement have become simply the basic necessity.
”We believe that, with our continued effort and commitment to make couples happy and climactic, professional standards in the wedding industry can be raised!” According ABC Country Director, China & Hong Kong, Ms. Katemagg Chau.
Because of these, wedding planners must reinforce the fundamental elements pertaining to a climactic experience before they are able to deliver a remarkable climactic moment at the wedding. From the prerequisite stimulating factors, intensification of climax, to the dealing of post-climactic syndrome, we extremely pleased and honored to invite the Highest and Hottest experts in the wedding industry related fields to share their practical techniques and skills that are essential to inducing climactic milestones in lives.
American Belly Dance Association dance performances demonstrated incredible dancing which is usually used in wedding ceremony. After, ABC Country Director, KateMagg, Guest of Honour, Mr. Kevin Kohara, our guest speaker, Mr. Joseph Mak and other 10 attendants were invited to join the dancing. The event was brought to a climax.
On the event, 38 members were accredited with international standard. Certificates.were presented to 27 members with Assistant Bridal Planner (ABP) and 11 members with Professional Bridal Consultant (PBC). All guests were invited to come to the stage for a group photo. The 2nd Association of Bridal Consultants Annual Regional Conference (China and Hong Kong) was fully completed and see you next year!
是次活動得以順利舉行有賴各界的支持及參與。出席是項活動的主禮嘉賓ABC國際婚禮統籌協會亞洲區總監小原義之先生, 香港公開大學院長呂汝漢教授及嘉賓講者包括:醫療科學(情性健康)碩士周潔心小姐、宇宙大爆炸音樂有限公司的始創人張佳添先生、2006年香港十大傑出青年林景昇先生及《大日子darizi》創辦人及行政總裁安宇昭先生。當天活動共超過一百位來賓出席參與。
鄺詠嫻小姐 (Gloria Kwong)
電話:(852) 3667 9018 電郵:office@abc-hk.org
國際婚禮統籌協會(簡稱“ABC”)創立於1955年,總部位於美國康涅狄格。ABC在美國的婚禮市場高踞領導地位,為全球最具規模及權威性的婚禮統籌組織。ABC擁有超過50 年歷史的專業婚禮協會,在遍佈全球40多個國家擁有逾4,500名活躍會員,而在包括日本、南韓、新加坡、馬來西亞、菲律賓、中國大陸、台灣和香港等亞洲地區的會員人數達到超過700名,為準新人提供專業的婚慶服務。
Monday, September 6, 2010
ABC CHINA/HK 2nd Annual Conference - 12 Sep 2010, Sunay 1:00pm to 5:30pm
有見及此,Association of Bridal Consultants CHINA & HK(ABC)將2010年度第二屆ABC國際婚禮統籌師中國香港區研討會的主題定為「高潮︰高峰」。我們相信,只有堅守不斷帶給新人驚喜,婚禮行業才能走向高峰!作為擁有超過50年歷史的專業婚禮協會,全球多達4,000名會員,ABC致力推行這個理念。因此,ABC非常榮幸能夠邀請多位行內炙手可熱婚禮專家,分享他們對「婚禮高潮」的意見及認識。
地點︰九龍何文田牧愛街三十號 - 香港公開大學何文田校舍C座一樓楊雪姬演講廳
合辨機構: 香港公開大學
特別鳴謝: FANCL無添加 、DARIZI 大日子、 INNOVATION LTD. 、美國肚皮舞協會
聯絡 : 張幗文小姐(電話︰(852) 9143 3429)或袁琪茵小姐(電話︰(852) 9301 1164)。
主禮人: 麥周露嬋女士 –ABC國際婚禮統籌協會中國香港區總監,資深註冊婚禮統籌師,香港公開大學李嘉誠專業進修學院婚禮統籌管理專業證書課程總監及主講,香港特別行政區政府勞工處青年就業起點 - 培訓課程婚禮統籌師入門課程總監及主講,香港學術及職業資歷評審局評委。
主禮嘉賓: 小原義之先生 –ABC國際婚禮統籌協會亞洲區總監,多年為瑞士信貸銀行和富士銀行進行外幣匯率及貨幣交易,現任Sophia Trading Co., Ltd的總裁,主要業務包括在日本的婚紗禮服進口和批發,酒店或網站顧問和為婚禮統籌師進行訓練。
曾德源博士 - 李嘉誠專業進修學院副院長,持有香港理工大學生理學哲學碩士學位及英國德倫大學(University of Durham)成人教育博士學位,同時擁有科學和社會科學的學術背景。曾博士主要研究藥物科學和成人教育,曾長時間於香港大學專業進修學院擔任教學、課程發展和課程管理等職務,於2010年加入李嘉誠專業進修學院,主要擔任學院的發展工作,並為學院開發和強化健康科學和語言方面的課程。
周潔心小姐 –醫療科學(情性健康)碩士、工商管理碩士,行為管理研究深造及教育學士,3P 親子正策課程認可導師及專業調解員。曾任幼兒教師,香港情性健康中心情性治療師;現任凝動訓練及輔導組織培訓導師,循道衛理延伸教育服務培訓導師及明愛家長資源中心客席導師。曾參與不同的社區及志願團體的義務工作,並為北京清華大學繼續教育學院及多個非牟利團體提供講座。
張佳添先生 –畢業於夏威夷大學新聞系,出生於電影家庭,現職歌曲創作,音樂制作人及發行人,宇宙大爆炸音樂有限公司的始創人,12年來曾替無數中、港、台、新加坡、馬來西亞及日本歌手創作音樂,作品及製作歌曲接近三百首,為唱片公司及紅歌手出品無數,代表作包括:第二最愛、天才與白癡、第一類接觸等等。
林景昇先生 –2006年香港十大傑出青年,國際演講會中國區市場副總監及前香港區總監、香港市務學會企業傳訊委員會主席、傑出青年協會秘書長、香港科技大學校友會前會長、以及多個專業團體的核心幹事。擁有MBA及MSc雙碩士學位、多項國際專業資格,於公開演講、活動司儀、即興對答、營銷簡報、策略談判、危機應變擁有多年實戰、評判及培訓經驗。
安宇昭先生 –《大日子darizi》首個以大中華區高消費準新人為目標群的一站式互動的結婚資訊平台的創辦人及行政總裁。畢業于卑詩大學並擁有香港中文大學碩士學位; 曾獲得DHL/SCMP 香港年青企業家獎。市場觸角敏銳,看準潛力龐大的高級婚慶巿場,為目標會員提供的高級婚慶及生活時尚資訊,建立準新人們及婚慶商的交流平台。近數年,從事數位化商業上多方面的開發和推廣。亦為多個不同的團體機構提供講座。
2010 2nd ABC Annual Regional Conference- China & Hong Kong
“Get High: Get Hired”
Some people say we live to pursue climax; others say it is the pursuit of climax that makes us realize we are living. Either way, the pursuit of climax and life’s milestones appear to be indivisible. While tying the knot with loved one is often considered as arriving at the summit of a relationship, wedding in itself is one of the most important sublimations of a couple’s affection to each other into a lasting relationship. Consequently, the ability to induce a stage of climax in wedding and thereby orchestrate an once in a life time memory that the couple can recall upon for years to come is a challenge which wedding planners need to face and conquer. In recent years, modern couples have become increasingly demanding when it comes to organizing their weddings. From wedding photography and videography, wedding favors and many more…… products and/ or services once regarded as luxurious have become simply the basic necessity. On top of this, the implementation of Civil Celebrants of Marriage Scheme in 2006 has helped to breed all kinds of wedding related product and services, leading to unlimited possibilities as to how a wedding can be planned and conducted. Because of these, wedding planners must reinforce the fundamental elements pertaining to a climactic experience before they are able to deliver a remarkable climactic moment at the wedding. In view of
this, the 2nd Association of Bridal Consultants Annual Regional Conference (China & Hong Kong) will focus on the concept of “Get High: Get Hired”. We believe it is only through continued effort and commitment to make couples happy and climactic that professional standards in the wedding industry can be raised! Being the oldest and largest training organization for wedding professionals in the world, ABC currently have over 4,000 members located in all 50 states and in 27 countries. Since 1955, our goals have been to raise professional standards in the wedding industry. We extremely pleased and honored to invite the Highest and Hottest experts in the wedding industry related fields to share their notions and knowledge in "wedding climax". From the prerequisite stimulating factors, intensification of climax, to the dealing of post-climactic syndrome, our guest speakers will one-by-one share the practical techniques and skills that are essential to inducing climactic milestones in lives. In addition, wedding music demonstration and dance performances arranged. Special Speakers included: Dr. Benjamin Chan, Ms. Vanessa Chow, Mr. Clayton Cheung, Mr. Sean Lin, Mr. Andy Ann.
Katemagg Chau- Association of Bridal Consultants, China & HK Country Director cordially invited you to join this special event.
Date: September 12th, 2010 (Sunday)
Time: 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Venue: The Open University of Hong Kong, Ho Man Tin campus C Block, Serena Yang Lecture Theatre
30 Good Shepherd Street, Homantin, Kowloon.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Wedding in TUSCANY
ARTICLE @ inMagazine
Tuscany is the ultimate location for couples wanting the prototypical Italian experience: the romance, the scenery, the food and wine, the sweet life. Before the wedding ceremony, you can explore Tuscany at your leisure. To visit the land that “opens up its heart more than any other place” – as is famously inscribed on the Porta di Camollia, the entrance to the walled city of Siena in the heart of Tuscany – is to feel a passion like no other. Called “the green heart of Italy”, this region is famous for its verdant scenery, painterly light, hilltop villages, gastronomic delights and fantastic cities of art. The jewel in its crown is Florence, filled with medieval churches and museums housing breathtaking masterpieces.
While staying at the typical Tuscan farmhouse in the heart of the countryside, a daily tour of the medieval town of Cortona which includes a visit to the settings of movie Under the Tuscan Sun and a light lunch in wine repository with a selection of local cheese and wine seems a must to start the lovely journey at Tuscany. Discovering the Chianti area, a tour of the famous red wine will let you discover the most famous winery of Montepulciano. Other relaxing yet romantic activities include painting lessons, walking tours in vineyards, trekking on the hill, bike tours, horse riding and beauty treatments in a spa. While enjoying the evening at the farmhouse, a delectable barbecue of typical Florentine style awaits.
For an Italian style wedding, book your event at a winery to start your important day in your life. The blessing’s ceremony is held on a vineyard under the brightness of the Tuscan sun – immersed in the soul of nature.
After the ceremony, a special dinner with all the best of Tuscan cuisine is served, followed by folk music and a dance. Love and Italian passion is in the air.
Very beautiful castle is the first property in the region to offer you the absolute latest in modern facilities while maintaining the atmosphere of its historic surroundings. ııThe grandeur of the past can still be felt through the many frescoes, family crests and vaulted ceilings that adorn
many of the rooms and in the midst of it all, our attentive staff offer you unparalleled indulgence at every turn.
Photo service in the beautiful countryside with cypress trees and sunflowers. Our photographer will bring you to the very beautiful spots to have unforgettable records of your wonderful day.
Offering the absolute latest in holistic treatments and spa experiences, The castle boasts the
area's first exclusive destination spa, designed by global spa specialist ESPA. The extreme luxury location make the wedding be perfect for its treatments, landascape and proximity with Florence.
CALL US NOW TO KNOW MORE... +852 3667 9018 info@katemagg.com
Bali Chapels at a Glance by Katemagg
OCEAN BLUE HOTELPerched above the Nusa Dua enclave embracing the hilly landscape, Ocean Blue offers genuine Balinese villa living. Built with modern bullet-proof glass, the Blue Moon wedding chapel is surrounded by an oriental-style pond and lush greenery. In addition, it offers wedding packages for both western and Balinese-style wedding ceremonies.ST. REGIS HOTELIts beautiful settings and professional services will surely delight every guest. The Swarovski crystal chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling and the magnificent views of the ocean from the chapel make it an extraordinary wedding destination for couples from all over the world. The enchantingly romantic Honeymoon villa nestled on the beachfront sets the mood for newlyweds to enjoy the signature St. Regis Butler Service while watching the unique fire dance.AYANA RESORT & SPAThis is a uniquely stunning and remarkable resort with four specially designed chapels — Tresna, Astina, Asmara and Bale Kencana. Ayana caters weddings for up to 150 guests with a selection of themes such as Sweet Escape Wedding, Ayana Villa Wedding, Secret Garden Wedding and Sunset Promise Wedding. The wedding team led by Director of Wedding Ms. Yoan Irma is well-trained to offer personalised services to couples and guests that a one-of-a-kind experience is guaranteed at Ayana.NIKKO BALI RESORT & SPAElevated over the crystal blue waters of the Indian Ocean and situated atop a picturesque cliff, Wiwaha is a stunning split-level glass structure. Conceptualised with a modern Balinese design, it makes for an unparalleled wedding venue. Furthermore, Taman Sari, a hilltop garden venue with fascinating coastal views and the white sandy beach is another ideal location for intimate religious or non-religious celebrations.THE KUNJAKunja is a boutique villa hotel which has a private swimming pool and 18 fully serviced private villas that can be transformed into an amazing event location or wedding reception venue any time of year. The Santi Chapel adds the beauty of Balinese culture into a modern wedding ceremony on an island surrounded by greenery. CONRAD BALIStretching gracefully into the heavens, the triangular-shaped Infinity Chapel floats two metres above sea level. Situated amongst an ensemble of overflowing reflecting pools and marble walkways, it accommodates a maximum capacity of 60 guests. Not to mention, it is picture perfect for wedding photos with the Indian Ocean as the backdrop.
Monday, May 10, 2010
ABC Annual Conference 7 to 9 Nov 2010 at Phoenix
I will be sharing "Chinese Wedding" with Wedding Professional Worldwide at the 29th Annual Business of Brides Conference. Welcome to join and share knowledge with WPS from around the world.
Get ready to get Hot, HOTT, Haute!!! Your HOTT (High Octane Twenty Ten) AZ Conference committee is elated to welcome you to the Valley of the Sun for the 29th Annual Business of Brides Conference. Bring your family and plan to arrive early and stay late for conference to enjoy the incredible weather and multitude of activities at your fingertips when you visit the scenic Sonoran Desert! Phoenix, AZ averages over 300 sun-filled days a year with average temperatures in November ranging from 47 – 74 degrees.
Starting with a selection of optional sessions on Sunday, we guarantee a haute time with Sasha Souza, MBC our Monday design presenter, and a HOTT finale with world renowned designer, David Tutera on Tuesday. From sunrise to sunset, there will be lots of hot educational topics beginning Sunday afternoon through our closing session on Tuesday.
The trade show will be adjacent to the registration area, and will be open Sunday and Monday with ABC Corporate members to help you build your business. Visit the trade show on both Sunday and Monday to be eligible for a chance to win haute table seating for featured speakers, and more drawings will be offered on site!
At Sunday night’s Red Haute Couture Chic Opening Cocktail Reception, you will experience various degrees of Hot, HOTT, Haute at each upcoming HOTT event! Dress “HOTT” Hip, Opulent, Timeless, Trendsetting for this chic cocktail lounge reception held outdoors amidst towering lit palm trees, lush foliage, bubbling fountains, and crackling fireplaces.
Monday night you will be wined and dined Tuscany style for Haute Romance at The Castle. Tuesday night your taste buds will sizzle with our optional evening on-site event, Hot and Spicy Sunset inspired by local and popular favorite cuisine! Wednesday afternoon find out why Arizona has much more to offer in our Mountain (Arizona Biltmore Resort), Lake (Millennium Resort Scottsdale McCormick Ranch) and Desert (Desert Botanical Garden) tour showing why Phoenix and Scottsdale are two cities which are hot in the desert!
Can’t wait to see you in Arizona in November – don’t miss this HOTT conference!
Last year conference
Saturday, May 8, 2010
CA054 4th Intake - Happy Bridal Image Day
Doris and Anthony's Wedding on 27 Feb 2010
As for Anthony, who was deeply moved by Doris’ emotions when she entered the room for the vows, he was actually grateful to have a wedding planner who has made their big day memorable and enjoyable.
於中環上班的Anthony早已察覺Doris的存在,有次終於鼓起勇氣、在港鐵香港站的月台上向Dori s介紹自己。「他
1. How did you two meet and how did you two fall in love? What were your first impressions about each other?
Anthony introduced himself on the subway on the platform of Hong Kong Station. He commented on my appearance and said he had seen me a few times on his way to the office. Anthony looked smart and always wore pink was my first impression.
We had many dinners and frequented Anthony’s favourite jazz bar where they played “Streets of London” and “ I just want to say I love you”. We had many funny experience during our dating: Anthony invited me for tea at his apartment one afternoon but he gave me wrong address. Another time, he brought me home after dinner then dropped the front door keys down the bottom of the elevator. We sat outside all nights, talking and looking at the stars. Funny stupid guy
2. How did Anthony propose? Any token of love between the two of you?
walking the dog… turned into a long walk to Aberdeen which we did from time to time at the weekend. Once there we hired a sampan to Lamma Island. Anthony proposed on the sampan with our dog Fatty and the captain as our witnesses. I was surprise when he brought out the engaged ring. It was beautiful to be on the boat by ourselves and then we had a delicious fresh seafood lunch.
4. Where was the wedding held, and why have you chosen this venue?
Our wedding ceremony at China Club and the reception at Helena May. They are beautiful building with history and atmosphere. The Helena May also is a supports many good causes which made the decision easy.
5. Can you tell us more about the dance and the flower cards, as seen in the photos?
We are not good at dance and we didn’t want to look ridiculous dance and nervous. This moved on to also trying to create an atmosphere of fun to really get the parting going. We chose a Stevie Wonder song with two different rhythms (fast and slow) and then had some dance lessons. Our instructor made two dances for us which was tough. It was fun even though we made a right hash of it.
We wanted to make effort on our wedding day and do something different. So to replace table numbers Doris decided to use flower names and painted the cards by herself. The flowers we chose are Doris’s favorite and the each table had fresh ones also to compliment. Better than table numbers but it turned into quite a project.
6. Any surprises during the wedding ceremony?
Anthony: After all the effort in the planning and preparation, to see it all come together and everyone enjoy themselves was very rewarding. And I’ll never forget the emotions when I first saw Doris entering the room for the vows.
Doris: I was surprised by my tears during the vows. It was the first time I cried with happiness in my life. I will never forget that moment.
7. Any stories/ quotes that you’d like to share with our readers regarding your sweet marriage?
Doris: I love my husband. I married him because I cannot live without him.
Anthony: Word of advice I gave to the unmarried guests “use a wedding planner”. Was great to have no concerns so you can relax and enjoy the day with all your guests.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
OUHK 7th Intake - June 2010
結婚是人生大事,不少人願意一擲千金,換取畢生難忘的回憶,婚慶 市場實在大有可為。本課程由本院與Katemagg Event & Wedding 攜手合辦,由資深婚禮統籌師及婚慶業從業員親自教授婚禮統籌的專業知識及技巧,為有意投身此行業的人士提供專業培訓。畢業生可考取美國歷史悠久的 Association of Bridal Consultants(ABC)的會員資格。
適合對象 |
課程特點 |
全港唯一由大學及資深婚禮統籌師合辦的專業課程,並獲全球最大及最高榮譽的Association of Bridal Consultants (ABC)認可,課程質素有別於一般只於本地註冊之學會課程;
畢業生可考取國際認可的ABC Assistant Bridal Planner資格;
成績優異之畢業生有機會受聘於Katemagg Event & Wedding或獲轉介相關婚禮統籌工作。
梅嘉齡女士 3120 9863 / 3120 9874
ABC Wedding Study Tour - Bali
March 2010
A fruitful 4-day Wedding Study Tour in Bali, Indonesia. Visit 9 Famous Chapels and Churches; meet Event & Wedding Managers from each venues, gained golden opportunities to see, to learn and to experience Bali destination weddings. Understand the culture of Balinese wedding and how local vendors work nowadays. Explore opportunities to work with Bali vendors and what types of services exist for both local vendors and likewise overseas planners, like us. Definitely an valuable experience to open our eyes up to know how to organise weddings under the sun and on the beach in different exclusive venues and resorts. Real unforgettable experiences for all WPs including myself to spend a good 4 relaxing days together, having fun, sharing good food, knowing Elvis's private life, chit-chatting, invaded the entire swimming pool at night... indeed to share and learn from one another. Special thanks to Donna (I named her the Chair) to organise and manage the logistic of the itinerary holistically; not to forget co-chair Cynthia to organise the forever fun Team Building Lunch at Banyan Tree. I can see you both becoming a real professional wedding planner with your solid secretarial and administrative background, indeed playing the lead to spread the name of "Wedding Excellence"... and the only boy WP who worked very hard to capture the wow scenes while never forgot to take care of all the girls, Leo Kwok from 4th intake. I treasure every moment I spent with the team in the study tour.
I vow to go again very soon..
St. Regis Hotel - Cloud Nine Chapel
The Swarovski cystal chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling and the magnificent views of the ocean from the chapel. The perfectly romance Honeymoon villa nestled at the beachfront while enjoying the signature of St. Regis Butler Service. STREGIS.COM/BALI
Nikko Bali Resort & Spa - Wiwaha
Elevated over the crystal waters of the Indian Ocean and situated atop a picturesque cliff Wiwaha is a prefect masterpiece appropriate for unparalleled wedding venue, stunning split-level glass structure conceptualized in a modern Balinese design. WIWAHABALI.COM
Conrad Bali - Infinity Chapel
Floating 2 meters above sea level among an ensemble of overflowing reflecting pools and marble walkways, Infinity Chapel has capacity of 60 guests maximum and makes ideal wedding photos with a complete dream ocean as the background. ConradHotels.com
Ocean Blue Hotel - Blue Moon
Embracing the landscape in the hills above the Nusa Dua enclave, Ocean Blue retreats genuine Balinese hospitality villa living. OCEANBLUEHOTELBALI.COM
Blue Point Bay Villas - Wedding Chapel
Dream private villa with a backdrop exposed to the elements of the ocean, with a glass wedding chapel that is adjacent to the cliff-top swimming pool, the breath-taking sunset scene makes a complete wedding ceremony unforgettable. BLUEPOINTBAYVILLAS.COM
The Kunja - Santi Chapel
An all-villa property Kunja is a boutique villa-hotel with 18 fully serviced private villas that could turn into a event or wedding reception venue any time with a private swimming pool. The Santi Chapel blends the beauty of Bali nature into modern wedding ceremony over an island of green. THEKUNJA.COM
The Inna Grand Bali Beach - The Blue Diamond Chapel
Founded in 1966, the hotel complex is one of the traditional Bali style venues with state-of-art visitor facilities. One of the biggest chapels in Bali with a maximum seating capacity of 60 paxs, the diamond-shaped remarks the popularity among Asian Market. THEDIAMOMDBALI.COM
Ayana Resort & Spa - Tresna, Astina, Asmara, Bale Kencana
Stunning yet remarkable resort with 4 special design chapels offering overwhelming scene including cliff-top glamour, modern Asian style with a backdrop of floating on the ocean, Javanese royal with open gazebo and in front of ornate volcanic and limestone walls. Ayana caters wedding size up to more than 150 guests with theme of Sweet Escape Wedding, Ayana Villa Wedding, Secret Garden Wedding & Sunset Promise Wedding. AYANARESORT.COM
Banyan Tree
Perched 70 metres above sea level on the cliffs of Bali's southernmost peninsula and just 35 mins away from the international airport, the resort features distinct traditional Balinese touches that blend seamlessly wt mystic charm of its natural surroundings. Real breath-taking villas that include Pool villa, sanctuary villa and presidential villa.
Saverius Catholic Church
GBI Christian Church
Weaver of Dreams - inMagazine
具多年婚禮統籌經驗的K a t e m a g g曾於時裝品牌Balenciaga工作,2003年開辦木馬會,現在除了貴為公開大學講師外,更是美國婚禮統籌協會(ABC)的香港總監。ABC成立逾50年,在歐美及亞洲等40個國家有接近4,500名會員,分別來自婚紗禮服、花藝、婚禮攝影錄影及新娘化妝等不同的婚嫁行業。ABC已於去年登陸新加坡及香港,其後會將業務拓展至中國。專業機制獲國際認可,研討會助拓闊視野ABC的主要職責就是因應會員的專業程度及經驗,頒授不同級別的證書。國際認可助理婚禮策劃師(ABP)乃頒發予少於兩年婚禮顧問或婚禮策劃經驗的會員。國際認可專業婚禮顧問 (PBC) 是頒發予為準新人或市場作顧問或策劃業務的婚禮顧問;Katemagg現在擁有的亦為PBC資格。國際認可專業婚禮商戶 (PWV) 是頒發予經營相關產品或服務的商戶如婚紗禮服、新婚攝影、花藝、美容、媒體、餐飲業等;PWV並可選出兩名員工接受PBC訓練及名銜,員工在離職後不能帶走該名銜。至於最高榮譽會籍-國際認可榮譽學位及國際認可碩士學位-則頒發予擁有超過3年專業認可資格的會員。去年9月27日,Katemagg為ABC於陽明山莊舉行了香港區首屆區域研討會,共有150人參加。研討會請來ABC亞洲市場總監Yoshi Kohara、「摩登大妗姐」羅勤芳、藝穗會舞蹈導師Frankie Wong、心理治療師尹婉萍以及Greenmyplanet的Yolanda Che客席演講,分別談及日式婚禮、中式婚禮、First dance、Bridezilla(婚前燥狂新娘)及環保婚禮。雖然節目豐富,但Katemagg認為仍有改良的餘地。她解釋道:「日本ABC的研討會為期兩至四日,有bridal show和gala dinner,由會員親自設計各種表演的娛樂活動,大大增加了研討會的互動性。」ABC暫定於7月舉辦第二屆區域研討會。
KateMagg又謂:「雖然婚禮統籌員的專業制度在香港還未完善,此專業於外國早已十分盛行。在外國,婚禮統籌員(wedding planner)有時會細分為婚禮設計師(wedding designer)及婚禮輔導員(wedding consultant);有些則被稱為婚禮總監(wedding director)。婚禮輔導員與婚禮統籌員性質相若;而婚禮設計師則可能會較著重設計方面的元素。需知道這裡所指的『設計』不限於裝飾設計,主題、流程、新娘形象、佈景及用品設計都可歸類於婚禮設計之列。婚禮總監着重的是協調和整合。因此縱然稱號不一,這些婚禮統籌員並無高低之分,只是範疇及所針對的專業不同而已。」此外,內地婚慶市場的興起亦不容忽視。KateMagg對此作出了一些補充:「內地的婚禮統籌市場雖然較本港遲起步,但原來不少外國的婚禮統籌員早已開始發展內地業務,而我自己的學生中亦有部分前往上海發展。內地的婚慶從業員願意接受新事物,汲取優點用以改良自己的服務。目前ABC已於香港、南韓及新加坡累積會員人數,若然內地之門得以開啟,舉辦亞洲大型研討會的機會便指日可待。」
Having worked in the fashion house of Balenciaga and had the experience of running her own restaurant Le Manege, Katemagg is now both a lecturer at the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) and representative of the Association of Bridal Consultants (ABC) in Hong Kong. With over 50 years of history, ABC currently has more than 4,500 members spanning across 40 European and Asian countries. All of its members are in wedding-related businesses such as wedding attire, florists, wedding photography/videography and wedding make-up. The association has recently set up its offices in Singapore and Hong Kong. Its next target will be mainland China.
World Recognition and Global Vision
The main responsibility of ABC is to award its members with different levels of internationally recognized certificates based on their degree of skills and experiences. The Assistant Bridal Planner (ABP) Certificate is for members who have less than two years of experience as a wedding consultant or a wedding planner. Professional
Bridal Consultant (PBC), the title that Katemagg currently holds, refers to those who have more than two years of experience. Professional Wedding Vendor (PWV) is given to vendors with at least three years of working experience in wedding-related fields such as wedding attire, photography, floral decorations, media and catering. A PWV can nominate two employees for PBC training, but these nominees will not be able to carry their PBC title
when they leave the company. Finally, the most prestigious titles – the Accredited Degrees and the Master Degrees - are presented to PBC/PWV certificate holders with over three years of professional membership.
The key to success is to think logically
To date, internationally recognised authentication for wedding planners does not seem to be available yet, and here are diversified opinions on the definition of a ‘wedding planner’. Katemagg soon realised the importance of education in the wedding industry, so in September 2008, she teamed up with OUHK’s Li Ka Shing
Institute of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) in launching the Professional Certificate in Wedding Planning Management Programme. Under this programme, lectures are given by established bridal consultants, which equip students with the professional knowledge and skills needed to begin their career in the wedding planning industry. The programme runs three times a year, and this year’s pro-gramme will begin in April, June and September. Students are able to learn everything from wedding etiquette, event planning and management, personal styling to marshalling techniques, and graduates can attain the ABP certificate after 90 hours of lectures.
Around 30 applicants will be admitted per programme. Among the graduates, some become wedding planners, while others go onto different wedding related fields and some go on to prepare the perfect wedding for their sons and daughters. Is it necessary for wedding planners to attain a professional qualification? Katemagg explains, “A wedding planner does more than taking charge of the venue preparation and catering. They have to provide guidance to the couples in the theme set-up and coordinate with different parties as well. As such, the ability to communicate well and to think logically is very important. A wedding is a big step in life, and a professional and experienced wedding planner can help the couple ease their anxiety on their big day. A successful wedding planner should be able to sustain work pressure and to be able to multi-task. Not everyone is prepared for the complexity of this job.” One of the aims of OUHK’s programme is to rectify the attitude of wedding planners within the industry. Katemagg continues, “Psychotherapist Dr. Pauline Wan has once given a definition to the profession, which I think is quite precise. She says, ‘Not only is a wedding planner the couples’ confidant, but also the manager of the wedding who will analyze, evaluate and summaries raw ideas and deliver professionally on
the wedding day.’ Her interpretation aptly enveloped the creativity and management skills needed for the profession.”
Different Specialties leading to Different Titles
Katemagg continues, “Although an authenticating system has not yet been established in Hong Kong, the profession as a wedding planner is already very popular overseas. In Western countries, a ‘wedding planner’ can sometimes be further classified into a ‘wedding designer’ and a ‘wedding consultant’, while some may name themselves as a ‘wedding director.’ A ‘wedding planner’ and a ‘wedding consultant’ are actually similar in their job nature, whilst a ‘wedding designer’ may focus more on the design elements.
“However, one must be aware that ‘design’ here does not only refer to decor, but also the design on the wedding theme, the schedule, personal image, backdrop and stationery. Meanwhile, a ‘wedding director’ may emphasise on the coordination among different parties. These titles associated with the job of wedding planning
may sound different, but there is no hierarchy in the titling. The titles are mere reflections of the wedding planner’s specialties.” Mainland China is yet another continent that should not be neglected. Katemagg remarks, “Even though the wedding planning market in China seems to emerge later than Hong Kong, many
foreign wedding planners have already set their foot on the continent. Wedding planners in the Mainland are willing to accept new things and adapt them to their own services. As ABC is now accumulating members in Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore, it won’t be long for us to host a large-scale Asian conference once we gain access to the Mainland.”
Dream makers by Joyce Kam - The Standard
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Weddings are not just for smitten couples. Lovers who do not want to leave their nuptial bliss to chance usually seek out wedding planners. And the figures show there is demand, especially for those who are qualified.
In 2008 alone, about 47,300 couples tied the knot. Up to a fifth of them will resort to wedding planners.If, as government marriage portal ESDLife calculates, the average spending on a wedding banquet is HK$130,000, then the planner is looking at between HK$10,000 to HK$20,000 per job. And, as with most jobs in Hong Kong, paper qualification tells. So it doesn't hurt to get one. The Open University is offering a certificate course in wedding planning management. The part-time program teaches wedding history, etiquette and customs, event management, bridal image design, running a wedding planning business and the skills needed to be a master of ceremonies.
Katemagg Chau Lo-sin is the program's instructor as well as a professional. She says demand for wedding planners has shot up since people were allowed to hold marriage ceremonies outside the Marriage Registry and churches in 2006.
"Generally speaking, I believe 20 to 25 percent of Hong Kong couples seek the help of wedding planners. In the United States, it's 30 to 40 percent. So it's a market with great potential."
The course takes 90 hours and costs HK$16,800. Graduates can take an exam and be accredited with the Association of Bridal Consultants. Chau also offers students the opportunity to shadow her in planning an actual wedding. There is money to be made in weddings, said Chau. "On average, wedding planners charge 10 to 15 percent of the total cost of the wedding banquet, depending on their involvement. For instance, some clients ask us to plan the whole wedding while some only need us to manage the big day," she says.
Lu Chan, 30, decided to try her hand at it after completing her studies in August. "Wedding planning is a challenging career," said Chan. She should know: she has been managing events for 10 years. "You need to be able to think fast and multi-task. On the big day, a person might complain the microphone is not working, while another might tell you the food is not properly prepared. I need to understand the situation, come up with solutions, present the options to the couple and let them decide because, after all, it's their wedding." She said the program has given her the opportunity to be of service while improving her own skills. "My communication skills have improved and I have learned to be thoughtful and meticulous because I know a mistake can ruin the most important moment in someone's life."
Courses start in April, June and September. Visit www.ouhk.edu.hk/ lipace for details and to enroll.