Monday, September 6, 2010

ABC CHINA/HK 2nd Annual Conference - 12 Sep 2010, Sunay 1:00pm to 5:30pm





有見及此,Association of Bridal Consultants CHINA & HKABC2010年度第二屆ABC國際婚禮統籌師中國香港區研討會的主題定為「高潮︰高峰」。我們相信,只有堅守不斷帶給新人驚喜,婚禮行業才能走向高峰!作為擁有超過50年歷史的專業婚禮協會,全球多達4,000名會員,ABC致力推行這個理念。因此,ABC非常榮幸能夠邀請多位行內炙手可熱婚禮專家,分享他們對「婚禮高潮」的意見及認識。從激發高潮的先決條件、到如何強化高潮、以及處理高潮過後的情緒,嘉賓將於研討會上逐一探討。務求與行內人士分享替新人創造生命高潮的方法。除此之外,當日大會將安排婚禮音樂、舞蹈表演及茶點招待。




地點︰九龍何文田牧愛街三十號 - 香港公開大學何文田校舍C座一樓楊雪姬演講廳

合辨機構: 香港公開大學

特別鳴謝: FANCL無添加 DARIZI 大日子、 INNOVATION LTD. 、美國肚皮舞協會

聯絡 : 張幗文小姐(電話︰(852) 9143 3429)或袁琪茵小姐(電話︰(852) 9301 1164)。

主禮人: 麥周露嬋女士 ABC國際婚禮統籌協會中國香港區總監,資深註冊婚禮統籌師,香港公開大學李嘉誠專業進修學院婚禮統籌管理專業證書課程總監及主講,香港特別行政區政府勞工處青年就業起點 - 培訓課程婚禮統籌師入門課程總監及主講,香港學術及職業資歷評審局評委。

主禮嘉賓: 小原義之先生ABC國際婚禮統籌協會亞洲區總監多年為瑞士信貸銀行和富士銀行進行外幣匯率及貨幣交易,現任Sophia Trading Co., Ltd的總裁,主要業務包括在日本的婚紗禮服進口和批發,酒店或網站顧問和為婚禮統籌師進行訓練。


曾德源博士 - 李嘉誠專業進修學院副院長,持有香港理工大學生理學哲學碩士學位及英國德倫大學(University of Durham)成人教育博士學位,同時擁有科學和社會科學的學術背景。曾博士主要研究藥物科學和成人教育,曾長時間於香港大學專業進修學院擔任教學、課程發展和課程管理等職務,於2010年加入李嘉誠專業進修學院,主要擔任學院的發展工作,並為學院開發和強化健康科學和語言方面的課程。

周潔心小姐 醫療科學(情性健康)碩士、工商管理碩士,行為管理研究深造及教育學士,3P 親子正策課程認可導師及專業調解員。曾任幼兒教師,香港情性健康中心情性治療師;現任凝動訓練及輔導組織培訓導師,循道衛理延伸教育服務培訓導師及明愛家長資源中心客席導師。曾參與不同的社區及志願團體的義務工作,並為北京清華大學繼續教育學院及多個非牟利團體提供講座。

張佳添先生 畢業於夏威夷大學新聞系,出生於電影家庭,現職歌曲創作,音樂制作人及發行人,宇宙大爆炸音樂有限公司的始創人,12年來曾替無數中、港、台、新加坡、馬來西亞及日本歌手創作音樂,作品及製作歌曲接近三百首,為唱片公司及紅歌手出品無數,代表作包括:第二最愛、天才與白癡、第一類接觸等等

林景昇先生 2006年香港十大傑出青年,國際演講會中國區市場副總監及前香港區總監、香港市務學會企業傳訊委員會主席、傑出青年協會秘書長、香港科技大學校友會前會長、以及多個專業團體的核心幹事。擁有MBAMSc雙碩士學位、多項國際專業資格,於公開演講、活動司儀、即興對答、營銷簡報、策略談判、危機應變擁有多年實戰、評判及培訓經驗。

安宇昭先生 《大日子darizi》首個以大中華區高消費準新人為目標群的一站式互動的結婚資訊平台的創辦人及行政總裁。畢業于卑詩大學並擁有香港中文大學碩士學位; 曾獲得DHL/SCMP 香港年青企業家獎。市場觸角敏銳,看準潛力龐大的高級婚慶巿場,為目標會員提供的高級婚慶及生活時尚資訊,建立準新人們及婚慶商的交流平台。近數年,從事數位化商業上多方面的開發和推廣。亦為多個不同的團體機構提供講座。

2010 2nd ABC Annual Regional Conference- China & Hong Kong
“Get High: Get Hired”

Some people say we live to pursue climax; others say it is the pursuit of climax that makes us realize we are living. Either way, the pursuit of climax and life’s milestones appear to be indivisible. While tying the knot with loved one is often considered as arriving at the summit of a relationship, wedding in itself is one of the most important sublimations of a couple’s affection to each other into a lasting relationship. Consequently, the ability to induce a stage of climax in wedding and thereby orchestrate an once in a life time memory that the couple can recall upon for years to come is a challenge which wedding planners need to face and conquer. In recent years, modern couples have become increasingly demanding when it comes to organizing their weddings. From wedding photography and videography, wedding favors and many more…… products and/ or services once regarded as luxurious have become simply the basic necessity. On top of this, the implementation of Civil Celebrants of Marriage Scheme in 2006 has helped to breed all kinds of wedding related product and services, leading to unlimited possibilities as to how a wedding can be planned and conducted. Because of these, wedding planners must reinforce the fundamental elements pertaining to a climactic experience before they are able to deliver a remarkable climactic moment at the wedding. In view of
this, the 2nd Association of Bridal Consultants Annual Regional Conference (China & Hong Kong) will focus on the concept of “Get High: Get Hired”. We believe it is only through continued effort and commitment to make couples happy and climactic that professional standards in the wedding industry can be raised! Being the oldest and largest training organization for wedding professionals in the world, ABC currently have over 4,000 members located in all 50 states and in 27 countries. Since 1955, our goals have been to raise professional standards in the wedding industry. We extremely pleased and honored to invite the Highest and Hottest experts in the wedding industry related fields to share their notions and knowledge in "wedding climax". From the prerequisite stimulating factors, intensification of climax, to the dealing of post-climactic syndrome, our guest speakers will one-by-one share the practical techniques and skills that are essential to inducing climactic milestones in lives. In addition, wedding music demonstration and dance performances arranged. Special Speakers included: Dr. Benjamin Chan, Ms. Vanessa Chow, Mr. Clayton Cheung, Mr. Sean Lin, Mr. Andy Ann.

Katemagg Chau- Association of Bridal Consultants, China & HK Country Director cordially invited you to join this special event.
Date: September 12th, 2010 (Sunday)
Time: 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Venue: The Open University of Hong Kong, Ho Man Tin campus C Block, Serena Yang Lecture Theatre
30 Good Shepherd Street, Homantin, Kowloon.

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