Hosted by the Association of Bridal Consultants (China & Hong Kong) cooperated with the Open University of Hong Kong, The 2nd annual Conference “Get High: Get Hired” had taken place on 12 September 2010 at Serena Yang Lecture Theatre of the Open University of Hong Kong (Ho Man Tin campus). We shared a good time and had wonderful moment.
We honourably invited ABC Director of Asian Market, Mr. Kevin Kohara to be our Guest of Honour , Co-organiser LiPACE OUHK, Deputy Director, Dr. Benjamin Chan and Guest speakers included Hong Kong’s Ten Outstanding Young Persons Awardee 2006, Mr. Sean Lin, Founder of Wedding Theme Song Co., Mr. Clayton Cheung, CEO of Darizi Limited, Mr. Andy Ann and Master of Health Science Sexual Health, Ms. Vanessa Chow. There were more than 100 candidates attended the event.
While tying the knot with loved one is often considered as arriving at the summit of a relationship, wedding in itself is one of the most important sublimations of a couple’s affection to each other into a lasting relationship.
On top of this, the implementation of Civil Celebrants of Marriage Scheme in 2006 has helped to breed all kinds of wedding related product and services, leading to unlimited possibilities as to how a wedding can be planned and conducted. In recent years, modern couples have become increasingly demanding when it comes to organizing their wedding ceremonies. From wedding photography and videography, wedding favors and many more…… products and/ or services once regarded as luxurious arrangement have become simply the basic necessity.
”We believe that, with our continued effort and commitment to make couples happy and climactic, professional standards in the wedding industry can be raised!” According ABC Country Director, China & Hong Kong, Ms. Katemagg Chau.
Because of these, wedding planners must reinforce the fundamental elements pertaining to a climactic experience before they are able to deliver a remarkable climactic moment at the wedding. From the prerequisite stimulating factors, intensification of climax, to the dealing of post-climactic syndrome, we extremely pleased and honored to invite the Highest and Hottest experts in the wedding industry related fields to share their practical techniques and skills that are essential to inducing climactic milestones in lives.
American Belly Dance Association dance performances demonstrated incredible dancing which is usually used in wedding ceremony. After, ABC Country Director, KateMagg, Guest of Honour, Mr. Kevin Kohara, our guest speaker, Mr. Joseph Mak and other 10 attendants were invited to join the dancing. The event was brought to a climax.
On the event, 38 members were accredited with international standard. Certificates.were presented to 27 members with Assistant Bridal Planner (ABP) and 11 members with Professional Bridal Consultant (PBC). All guests were invited to come to the stage for a group photo. The 2nd Association of Bridal Consultants Annual Regional Conference (China and Hong Kong) was fully completed and see you next year!
是次活動得以順利舉行有賴各界的支持及參與。出席是項活動的主禮嘉賓ABC國際婚禮統籌協會亞洲區總監小原義之先生, 香港公開大學院長呂汝漢教授及嘉賓講者包括:醫療科學(情性健康)碩士周潔心小姐、宇宙大爆炸音樂有限公司的始創人張佳添先生、2006年香港十大傑出青年林景昇先生及《大日子darizi》創辦人及行政總裁安宇昭先生。當天活動共超過一百位來賓出席參與。
鄺詠嫻小姐 (Gloria Kwong)
電話:(852) 3667 9018 電郵:office@abc-hk.org
國際婚禮統籌協會(簡稱“ABC”)創立於1955年,總部位於美國康涅狄格。ABC在美國的婚禮市場高踞領導地位,為全球最具規模及權威性的婚禮統籌組織。ABC擁有超過50 年歷史的專業婚禮協會,在遍佈全球40多個國家擁有逾4,500名活躍會員,而在包括日本、南韓、新加坡、馬來西亞、菲律賓、中國大陸、台灣和香港等亞洲地區的會員人數達到超過700名,為準新人提供專業的婚慶服務。
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